How To Disable Startup Programs

Start up programs runs with the windows after the welcome screen has appeared. The software developers uses this feature to run their program in background. Some programs like search tool-bars, Ask toolbar, Babylon tool-bars etc.. and some other junk programs also runs in background and uses the system resources.

We can save system resources and speedup the windows booting time disabling unuseful and junk software which are no need to run always in background.

We can save system resources and speedup the windows booting time disabling unuseful and junk software which are no need to run always in background.

Disable Startup Programs Using Msconfing

  • Open Run by pressing Win+R.
  • Type msconfig and press Enter.
  • Navigate to Startup Tab. 
  • Untick the check boxes for the programs which you want to disable.
  • Press Apply button to save the settings.
  • It will ask you to restart the computer. Select Restart to apply setting immidiately OrSelect Exit Without Restart to apply settings later.
  • You can follow the same steps on windows xp, windows Vista, windows 7 and windows 8.
  • Don't disable the motherboard, Graphics driver, Audio driver and Antivirus Programs.